God made them roses,
The devil stuck a thorn under each one of them.
The day is done,
I am back in my nest,
But I ain't done,
There is no rest.
I want to follow my heart,
But how can I even think about it
when I still have my head?
Life's crossroads
are much like the ones
in Bangalore.
One-way streets,
but you can still go.
Look at the rainbow,
Seven different colors,
yet always together.
Always together,
yet seven different colors.
Where are my wits
when I need them?
They are always late.
Better late than never.
Weekends are worth,
a lot more than gold.
They are there to be enjoyed,
not to be sold.
So you want to take the fast lane,
understandable......you want to go far.
But be sure you remember
where the brakes are.
Thoughts are like rabbits.
First there's one, then two,
And before you know it,
Your head's a crazy zoo.
You needn't forgive AND forget,
Because when you forgive,
you forget...
If you want to be different,
stay the same,
The world will change,
and you will be different.
There are sunny days,
And there are rainy ones,
Carry an umbrella, I says
And you are pretty much done.
Shadows are like happiness,
Always close, and in touch.
It is mine, but it's not me
I try to grab it, but it moves away.
aren't meant to be chased,
Switch the damn light off,
there is no me, nor my shadow.
Your life is your baby,
Shit happens....
Deal with it.
Enthusiasm needs to be
tempered with sensitivity.
For example..
Never greet a shoe-shine boy with a
"Good morning! Rise and Shine!
Rats don't look behind
when they run... so why do you?
You can whine,
you can wish.
Everything's fine
just go out and fish.
Some lives are like
train tracks
They run together
over long distances,
a lot of shit happens
between them
but they never meet.
They were never meant to....
Emotions are the bags
in which you carry your thoughts.
Good quality bags
can carry more weight.
Avoid disposable plastics,
they litter and are toxic.
Listen to what you hear.
It will help when you
hear what you listened to.
Most problems in life are
like eggs.
They will stink if you keep them
and crack if you drop them.
Treat adversaries like
If you can't beat 'em,
boil 'em.
If you can't crack it,
it's not a problem.
Nor is it an egg.
When you get time,
You actually don't get it,
You just use up more of
You actually don't get it,
You just use up more of
what you already have.
One must take inspiration
from the cars in Bangalore.
You may be scratched
and dented on the outside,
But the inside is still
wrapped in plastic.
The wiser you get, the whiter they get.
Having some in white is better than having none at all.
And don't gloat if you have a lot of both in black,
because a single night is enough
to make both the black money and the lovely black hair
You are as old as you think you are.
But if you don't think about it,
You are yet to be born.
Well , there is more in common between your hair and money than you
For starters, the more you have of each, the happier you feel. The wiser you get, the whiter they get.
Having some in white is better than having none at all.
And don't gloat if you have a lot of both in black,
because a single night is enough
to make both the black money and the lovely black hair
You are as old as you think you are.
But if you don't think about it,
You are yet to be born.
If it is dark,
You may be blind.
If you are a sailboat,
You better adjust your sails
whenever the wind changes.
And you better bring them down
When the storm comes in,
Better yet, get your own engine...
If you really must be a soup,
Choose to be a clear soup.
Because thick soups lack clarity.
The higher a bird flies,
The farther away it gets from this world.
But the higher a man flies, closer he gets to his world.
Learn to fly like a bird to stay grounded.
Its better to know that you think
than to think that you know.
If you are into playing cards, good luck with that house....
It might help to know that a pack of cards makes for a good brick.
If your cup is half full...or half empty
Consider using a smaller cup.
For most of us, life's a roller-coaster ride.
Free your mind from the gravity of life's situations
and you can float from one peak to the next.
Please don't cry over spilt milk.
Your tears will make the milk salty,
And your pet will refuse to drink it.
So go cry somewhere else.
Treat Success like a rare scotch.
Firstly, be grateful that you got to taste it.
Then respect it for what it takes to make it,
Love it for the joy it gives you,
And most importantly...fear it, for what it can do to you.
Don't be pissed about religious places blasting away on loudspeakers..
It is just a a tool that your religion uses to drive you *inward*,
towards peace, tranquility and ultimately...to the God within.
Loudspeakers also help drive up sales of ear-plugs and hearing aids.
Here's some food for thought....
and now some more food for thought..
and also some meditation and self awareness,
to help purge the shit out.
So If I have been successful
in not achieving success
then am I still successful?
What the hell is success anyway?
The importance of silence
is lost on those who preach it...
Pride goeth before a fall..
and winter cometh after.
With great power comes great responsibility,
Be responsible and use renewable energy for power.
Man thinks he needs to to save the planet,
when he actually needs to save himself..
The earth does not need saving,
It will live, with or without man..